Bee Friendly Plants

5 bee-friendly plants you can plant this spring.

It is common knowledge that the human race is a direct cause of our bee’s endangered status. In a study conducted by Pennsylvania State University, Christina Grozinger notes that continued urbanization and climate change pose a significant threat to the Earth’s bee population. The destruction of the bee’s habitats means that they have to travel long distances to find food while our ever-changing climate is causing a noticeable shift in the seasons. Sudden cold spells and prolonged, hot Summers cause these little insects to lose their natural synchronicity

with the plants that they feed on. This unpredictable weather spells often result in bees going out to forage earlier than many of their food sources have flowered, causing them to starve.

So what can we do to help? Well, the answer is very simple. If you have the space, consider making your garden more bee-friendly. With our bees having to travel further and further to find food, planting bee-friendly flowers will provide the bees with a local food source that could be readily available all year round. But aren’t all plants bee-friendly? Some are more effective at attracting bees than others and lucky for you dear readers, we at Impactful  Governance have put together a list of the 5 most bee-friendly plants you can introduce to your garden this spring.

1 Lavender.

Did you know bees can see some colors better than others? You would think that vibrant hews of reds and yellow would be the most pleasing to a bee but you would be wrong. Bees can see colors such as blue and purple better than any other color and it is for this reason that the lovely lavender is the first plant on our list. Its beautiful purple coloring is perfect for attracting bees from miles around. The fact that it blooms from June until August (the time in which bees are at their busiest) makes it an ideal source of nectar throughout the summer months. What’s more, it is relatively easy to tend to, making it a perfect beginner plant for you newer gardeners out there.

2. Clover.

You may be surprised to see this one on our list but clover is actually beneficial to bees. For starters clover flowers in early spring which is great for any honey bees that have awoken early as a result of climate change, and it will continue to flower throughout the summer as well. In addition (like lavender) clover is relatively easy to care for. It will grow back relatively quickly after being cut or trampled. In fact, people are finding it a better alternative to grass, opting to replace the grassy spaces in their gardens with clover. So if you really want to treat the honey bees this spring consider planting clover in your garden.

3. Spring bulbs.

Now I may be cheating here with the inclusion of this one since I’m not mentioning any specific plant but here me out. Bulbs are resilient little plants and by planting them in autumn, you can all but guarantee that the bees will have a reliable source of pollen in the months when there is little else in flower. Bulbs like the crocus are ideal as it flowers in early spring, meaning they will be a vital source of pollen and nectar for the bees that start foraging as early as February. So with all that in mind, consider planting some spring bulbs in your garden.

4. Coneflowers.

These flowers have seen a boom in popularity throughout the last few years and with good reason. Not only are they beautiful to look at but they are also a rich source of pollen and nectar. These flowers are a favorite amongst bees due to their long bloom time. They usually bloom from about June to August and can even continue into September (if weather conditions are favorable) meaning if you choose to plant this in your garden, local bees will be well fed for months. Furthermore, Coneflowers are quite easy to take care of. They do well in most soil types and their sturdy stems mean that you don’t have to stake them. They can also be planted pretty much all year round as long as the ground isn’t frozen over but it is usually accepted that March through April is the best time to plant them. So if you want to help the bees, consider planting these beautiful flowers this spring.

5.  Native wildflowers.

One of the best things you can do for the Earth’s pollinators is plant wildflowers native to the country you live in. While non-native flowers may look beautiful, they often compete with native flowers. What our little friends really want is to take from the flowers they have evolved to eat from. Flowers like Primrose, Bluebells,

Daffodils and honeysuckle are just a few flowers that are native to the UK. Herbs like wild garlic are also very beneficial to our bees. This spring, try planting some native wildflowers to give the bees a helping hand.

There you have it, 5 bee-friendly plants you can introduce into your garden this spring. By adding just one of these plants to your garden, you could do an immeasurable amount of good to help your local bee population. It might not seem like much, but adding bee-friendly plants to your garden will truly help our planet’s bees and will allow you to do your part for our world’s ecosystem.